Luxury Of New Dubai, Dubai city of modern wonders \ 8 Hrs.

Язык арабский, Английский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 4 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Join an exciting tour to witness first-hand, the painstakingly planned growth of the multi- cultural metropolis of Dubai. Drive to Dubai Marina the biggest artificial marina in world, photo stop on marina walk with magnificent view of towers and water, continue to JBR the most famous and popular street in Dubai. Visit eight wonder in world the Palm Jumeirah and the famous hotel in world Atlantis Hotel (Outside photo stop), visit Madinat Jumeirah that build in magnificent traditional style with different choices of shops and restaurant and activities, and there is over 3.7Km of water channels like Venice in Italy (35min).

Move to open beach near Burj Al Arab Hotel (photo stop 10min), SAGA Islamic art center (30min), drive through Sheikh Zayed road to see the modern city and towers including the highest tower in world Burj Khalifah and Downtown (photo stop 20min). After 6pm, we can watch the biggest fountain show in world. Pass to Dubai Financial Centre that build like a huge gate and Emirates Towers, and Trade Centre, then drive back to hotel.


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