you dream it, I built it!

Язык Английский, Немецкий
Стоимость 190 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

any questions, please ask!

I am pleased to offer any tailored tours for you. Walking tours, or on request, I can organize a car with a driver (which allows us to leave Lisbon and visit close sights (as a 7/ hours tours, such as

Sintra, or further to Fatima, including one of the two monuments classified by UNESCO (Monastery of Batalha or Alcobaça), not forgetting to include a small medieval village, still surrounded by its walls: Obidos

for a half-day tour, prices (according to the number of guests ) are from 165 on.(up to 3,30 hours)

For a full day tour fim 200 euros up to 7 hours.

each extra tour: 25 euros

Entrance Tickets to monuments or transportation are not included

I am at Your disposal. Prices and tours on request.

see you soon! Até breve!

Best Regards



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