Dubrovnik Old Town Walking tour - "Tailor Made"

Язык Голландский, Английский, Французский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Discover Dubrovnik Old Town together with your English / French / Dutch speaking private guide.

Guide Antje is an official licensed guide for Dubrovnik and surroundings.

Learn more about local history, admire unique art & architecture, walk trough the typical small streets of Dubrovnik, see the local morning market, feel & taste the Mediterranean atmosphere of this unique place in Croatia..... Dubrovnik, so complete, so cosy, so delicious, so Mediterranean.....

Your private guide will show and explain the most beautiful places.

Private Walking tours for individuals, small and bigger groups. I'm ready to organise your Walking tour as you wish, like "tailor-made"

Welcome to Dubrovnik!

Walking tours can be organised for a duration of 02h00min. or even longer if you wish to visit for example some museums, churches, monasteries or city walls.....

Questions? Send an email and mention all your wishes, travel period and number of guests .... You will receive a non-committal proposition. Hope to meet you soon in Dubrovnik.

!! Indicated rates are "rates from..." All depends of number of guests, special wishes, duration of excursion, etc...


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