Colombo City Tour

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 80 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 день

Colombo, the trade and commercial capital has long been the traditional gateway to the orient.

Sri Lanka's largest city, it is located on the west coast and draws together all the cultures, religions and influence of foreign lands into a pot-pourri of sounds, smells and a kaleidoscope of colour.

The original traders and settlers - Arabs, Portuguese, Dutch and the British has left in their wake churches and monuments, names and religions, costumes and food and smattering of their languages which have been absorbed into the speech of the the Sri Lankan.

Today, Colombo is fascinating city a happy blend of east & west, past & present, with a charm of it's own.A less known but amazingly true fact is that Colombo has a superb range of high quality restaurants serving foods from all over the world and some of the best shopping opportunities in Asia. The main seaport of Sri Lanka is in Colombo & adjoining it, is Pettah, a local bazaar & trading area.


* Pick up from hotel & proceed to Colombo

* City tour of Colombo

* Visit the famous meditation Gangarama Temple

* Old Parliament

* Wolfendhal Church

* Independence Square

* Shopping at Pettah bazaar & Fashion square

* Visit Galle Face Green

* Drop at hotel

Maximum 2 Passengers.


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