Giethoorn - Customized Private Tour

Язык Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 700 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Giethoorn is the most picturesque village of the Netherlands is entirely car-free. Explore the town on foot by walking the water's edge enjoying the small thatched-roof farmhouses with small neat gardens. Or take a boat ride and cruise down the village waterways, ducking under wooden bridges, and learning about life in the area, which was once a waterlogged swamp.

Customize your private Giethoorn tour! On route back to Amsterdam there is time for 1 extra stop. Let us know what you like to see!

- Castle Muiderslot

- Dairy farm, Gouda cheese & Clogs

- Windmill

- Orchid- & Butterfly farm

- Outlet shopping

- Batavia, 17th-century VOC ship yard

- largest tulip fields of the country (only in season)

- or a personal request.

You'll be returned to your location in Amsterdam.


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