Afurja Waterfall & Tanga Rocks / Cave Of Mayil

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Afurja Waterfall – perhaps the most famous Azerbaijan natural monument, it is located on the Velvelichai river. Afurja Waterfall listed in the “Nature Monuments of Azerbaijan” and is protected by the state.Afurja Waterfall begins in the mountains and flows into the gorge with a silver ribbon were water falls from a cliff about 70 meters high – it is a is the highest waterfall of Azerbaijan. In translation from Tat language, Afurdja means “a place where water splashes fall”. Indeed, the waterfall is very splashing. Gusts of wind in this place are strong, they blow the jet to the left, then, to the right, the drops fly in all directions

Cave of Kachak Mayil ( Kachak- Fugutive)

A short story about Kachack Mayil (Events that were held here on 1918)

To the price included Transportation and guiding.

The price is for a group of 1-2-3 people ,And the price is counted if we meet in Quba. If guests want me to meet them in Baku then the total price for 2 ways (Baku-Quba-Baku) will be 150 USD


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