Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Kikuletwa Hot Spring Day Tour

Kikuletwa hot spring is among the best natural water springs found in the Kilimanjaro region though here there’s is much to explore ranging from cultures, nature and of course hot natural swing pool.

We will pick you up from your hotel in Moshi and drive in Moshi /Arusha highway for 40 minutes before divert to small town called Boma ng’ombe we take dust road and drive for about 30 -45 minutes through the local villages you will cross various green vegetation supported by irrigation from the various streams channel also the village decorated with various beautiful baobab trees with unique features. Once you arrive at Rundugai village you will sign in the village guest book and get briefing of the village. After you will meet your local guide who will take you to Maasai village for tour, as soon you arrive at the Maasai village you will be welcome by the great songs from Maasai women and you will be directed where to seat, at this moment your local guide will explain in details about Maasai culture also you will be able to dance, visiting they are houses as well as taking picture with them.

After all enjoyment and excitement you will back to your car where we will drive to other local places in the village to enjoy your local lunch in African style. After lunch we will drive you to hot spring for refreshing and start enjoying most of the time here spent on swimming and rest on the mattress have nap then get back swimming till your body says yes it’s enough then get in the vehicle start driving back to your hotel in Moshi/Arusha.

Tour Price include

English speaking guide

Private Transport

Bottle of Mineral water

Local lunch/Lunch boxes

Village fees

Price Excludes

Things of personal nature

Swimming gear

Tips and gratitude’s for your guide


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