3 Days Tour in Georgia - Tbilisi, Mtskheta, Kakheti, Kazbegi

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 350 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Day 1st Tbilisi:

Our driver will meet you at the airport and take you to the hotel in Tbilisi.

Let's begin our acquaintance with the city!

You will see the old quarters - Abanotubani, Sololaki, Avlabari, Mtatsminda.

Ancient churches that were built in the 6th century - Sioni Cathedral Church, Anchiskhati Basilica, Metekhi Cathedral.

Rezo Gabriadze Marionette Theater

Waterfalls, Abanotubani - sulfur bathes

Walking in Shardeni Street and Rike Park, Bridge of Peace

Ride on the Cable car

At the end of the first day, we will have dinner in a cafe where you will feel the spirit of old Tbilisi!

Day 2nd Kakheti:

Today we are going to the wine region of Georgia - Kakheti. There are endless fields of vineyards. At the beginning of the trip, we will visit the ancient Alaverdi St. George Cathedral near city Telavi. Then will go to Gremi which was in ancient times the capital of Kakheti. After examining the ancient ruins, we will go to a wine tasting in a unique place - the Tunnel Winery Khareba's. The length of the tunnels is 8000 meters!

Towards evening we will find ourselves in the city of Signahi, which is called the city of love. From here you can enjoy beautiful views of the Alazani Valley.

Back to Tbilisi.

Day 3rd Kazbegi:

You will depart from Tbilisi early in the morning, in the direction of Kazbegi. 100 miles (160 km) along the Georgian Military Road, it runs between Tbilisi, Georgia and Vladikavkaz, Russia. On the way, there are some very interesting places to visit.

Ananuri fortress is a sixteenth-century castle complex on the Aragvi River. The fortress stands beside the famous Georgian Military Highway, overlooking a large Jinvali lake. Its high, turreted stone walls protect two churches, a watchtower, and a reservoir. The main church facade is beautifully carved with animal, floral and Celtic style patterns.

From Gudauri, you'll continue your trip to Gergeti Trinity Church. At an altitude of 7119 feet (2,170 meters), the twelfth or thirteenth-century monument was erected on the southern slopes of Mkinvarcveri. Gergeti Trinity Church is an important temple, remarkable for its beautiful scenery. The Gergeti Trinity Church is set poignantly on a hill directly below the towering white massif of Mount Kazbek, which sits at 5,033 meters. It is the photographer’s perfect shot.


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