Tailor-made tour to Mtskheta, Gori & Uplistsikhe

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

The tour starts from Tbilisi. I and driver will meet you at your hotel.

Our first stop will be Jvari Church (6th -7th cc), the most important religious center and an architectural masterpiece of medieval Georgia. Enjoy the breathtaking view from the church that towers over the city of Mtskheta.

Continue to Svetitskhoveli Cathedral, known as the burial site of Christ's robe and the second largest church building in the country. The Cathedral has long been the principal Georgian church and remains one of the most venerated places of worship to this day.

Take an excursion to Uplistsikhe Cave Town an ancient cave town and one of the oldest urban settlements in Georgia. The town represents a complex of various structures dating from the 12 century. BC to the 17th cent. AD.

Finish your tour at Stalin Museum in Gori, dedicated to the life of Joseph Stalin.


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