Visiting Lalibela churches for 1-Night

Язык амхарский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Испанский
Стоимость 160 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 день

Day -1

We will meet at the airport of lalibela, drive 25km( 30 minutes) within spectacular view.

After you check in the hotel will drive to sites where we find a concentration of some of Ethiopia most famous Rock hewn churches, mostly referred by many as " the living wonders of the world " this churches are they have been here for at list 900 years , an active christen shrine, spiritual center of the country religious life.

Then we will visit the 1st clusters of churches and this contains :-Bet- Medhalealem , Bet- maryam ,Bet- Meskel , Bet- Denagle , Bet- Mikael & Golgotha

After lunch we will visit the 2nd clusters of churches and this contains :- Bet- Gabriel & Rafael, Bet- Abba libanos , Bet- Emanuel

Finally we will visit St.George , most probably this is the highlight of your visit to Lalibela and this is the one in a shape of cross

Overnight :- lalibela

Day -2

Early morning we will attend a church service in one of the churches of lalibela then back to the airport for your next flight.

This package include :-

- Fees for lalibela churches

- Transfer in and out from lalibela airport , city transfer by a private aircondtioned car

- Guide services for the churches of lalibela

- packed water in your journey

- All government taxes

This package NOT include

- Accummudation

- Lunch and dinner

N.B if the number increase morethan one i will give 20% discount


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