Berat city tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 28 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 3 часа

Discover Berat, which is inarguably one of the most beautiful towns in Albania! Go back to the Ottoman era and find their traces in the King Mosque, the 14th-century Bektashi Mosque, Mangalem and Gorica - the old town, Castle alongwith its churches and the famous Onufri Museum. Great opportunity for photography.

Walking tour itinerary

• We start the visit from the Islamic centre and see the King Mosque, which is one of the Oldest in Berat.

• After that, we will go to Teqe which is pretty much near the King Mosque.

• After the Islamic Centre, we go to Gorica Quarter and walk on Gorica bridge, a monument from 1777.

• Then proceed to Mangalem Quarter where we will walk into the Castle.

• Inside the castle premises, we will see 3 Byzantine Churches that belong to the 14th century.

• After the churches, we walk towards the Ottoman part of the city and see the Akropoli, White Mosque and Red Mosque which belongs to the 1388 period.

• From here, we will see the panoramic view of the town and take a lot of photos.

• Visit in the Onufri Museum, inside the castle, and know more about the bygone era.


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