Day trip from Tirana to Berat & Apollinia

Язык Английский
Стоимость 110 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

7 to 10 hours (Approx.)

Hotel pickup offered

Mobile ticket


Discover Berat which is inarguably one of the most beautiful towns in Albania! Berat weaves its own very special magic and is easily a highlight of visiting Albania. Its most striking feature is the collection of white Ottoman houses climbing up the hill to its castle, earning it the title of 'town of a thousand windows' See the part of 1001 windows and take the best picture of the Old Bridge Visit Apollonia considered to be one of the most prominent cities at the time, selected from over twenty other cities throughout the Mediterranean, to receive the glorious name of Apollo, the god of music and poetry. Thanks to the monuments and ruins scattered on the hills of the Archaeological Park, the largest in Albania, you will have the opportunity to come in intimate contact with the splendor of the Hellenistic and Roman periods.

• Guided Tour

• History&Culture;

• Ottoman&Medieval;

• Architecture&Heritage;

• Appollonia&Berat;

• Opportunities to customize this tri

Price 110 euro

Air-conditioned vehicle

All Fees and Taxes

Tour Guide


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