Mekong: Villages and Markets of the Mekong Delta

Язык Английский
Стоимость 60 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 9 часов

8:00 Pick up and departures to Cái Be approximately 2 hours away from Saigon

10h30: After arrival in Cai Be, a boat takes you to the floating market with sellers and buyers bargaining and exchanging goods from their boats.

* Enjoy tropical fruits, see how people cultivate their orchards, and make their living from ceramics, popcorn, coconut candy, rice wine , rice paper…

* Experience being rowed along in a traditional sampan boat along the banks of the fruit gardens and through the narrow shady canals

12h30: have lunch in a beautiful garden house and be presented with local dishes.

1h30 : step ashore for a short bike ride of about 60  minutes (longer or shorter depending on your preferences)

3pm: Relax on the drive back to your hotel in Saigon (a drive of about 2 ½ hours), where you should arrive around 5:30 - 6:00.


Private car or Van with driver

Cold waters and towels

Entrance Fee


Bicycles with hamlets


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