Private Cu Chi Tunnels and Mekong Delta 1 day by local

Язык Английский
Стоимость 57 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 10 часов

7:30 Enjoy a two-hour drive northwest of Saigon, through the southern countryside to the legendary Cu Chi tunnels. Stretching from Saigon to the Vietnam-Cambodia border, the network includes countless trapdoors, entangled living areas, storage facilities and weapons factories, mini military hospitals, command centers and even kitchens. In this tour, you'll explore the life of a Viet Cong soldier underneath the ground.

After lunch, leave the big city behind as the scenery is gradually replaced with rice paddies and rural villages on your drive to My Tho. Board a boat to Ben Tre, where you will go through the impressive islets called Dragon, Unicorn, Tortoise, and Phoenix. Take a tuk-tuk along the country lanes with palm trees, paddy fields as well as lush gardens and fruit orchards. Stop at a bee-keeping farm for some tea while enjoying the southern folk songs. Continue on a smaller rowing boat for a more adventurous cruise on the canals.

Then come back to your hotel around 5:30 pm


Private vehicle with air-conditioning and driver

English speaking guide

Cold water and tissue

Entrance tickets



Tuk tuk


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