Язык Английский
Стоимость 1100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 дня


Day 1:

Early morning departure picked up by your driver guide from a place in Kampala for this safari to Murchison Falls National Park passing through Luwero, Nakasongola and Masindi town with a stopover at Zziwa Rhino Sanctuary to track the rhinos. The Rhino Sanctuary is managed by Rhino Fund an organization working to restore rhino population in Uganda. Have lunch at the sanctuary before continuing on the journey to the Park. Dinner and overnight at selected accommodation

Day 2:

Wake up early for a game drive in search of Elephants, Giraffe and Lions with several bird species to see along the way. Return for breakfast and relax till lunch and there after go for the boat launch to the bottom of the falls lasting about 3hours. The highlights of this boat launch include: lots of hippos, several water birds, Crocodiles, and Buffalo on the water banks. Dinner and overnight at selected accommodation.

Day 3:

Wake up for a boat ride to the Nile Delta. This boat ride offers opportunity to catch sight of the Grey crowned crane, Goliath heron, and the rare Shoebill stork among others. On return from this activity have some time have lunch and proceed to Budongo (Kaniyo Pabidi) for dinner and overnight.( it’s convenient to spend the night at Budongo Eco Lodge on this day so as to begin the morning activity at Kaniyo Pabidi on time the next day).

Day 4:

Wake up to a relaxed breakfast before going for an experience with the chimpanzees in Budongo forest. Besides the chimps look out for rare tree species,forest birds and other primates. This activity lasts about 3-4hours after which we proceed to Kampala with a lunch stop en route. Drop off at agreed location in Kampala.

Accommodation options:


• Red Chilli

• Budongo Eco Lodge staying in the dorms

Mid Range

• Murchison River Lodge

• Budongo Eco Lodge staying in the self contained cabins

Up market mixed

• Para Safari Lodge

• Budongo Eco Lodge staying in the self contained cabins


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