Stories and characters of the Recoleta Cemetery

Язык Английский, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Renowned as one of the most monumental cemeteries in the world together with Père Lachaise in the outskirts of Paris and the cemetery in the Staglieno Slopes in Genoa. A city within a city.

We invite you to discover some of the stories of the characters that “rest their eternal

sleep” in this monumental necropolis: presidents, writers, civil leaders, generals; important women and some joung ladies. Its 4780 mausoleums show us different architectonic styles and also magic stories and tragic ones can be woven together.

The magnificent Carrara mable sculptures represent angels; imploring and crying maidens; free masonic symbols hidden at a naked eye; marvelous doors with floral motifs; Egyptian tombs form part of this tour.

You can make a booking by whatapp (+549) 11 3758 2156

Value of the tour per person U$D 15


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