Ismayilli-Lahij tour

Язык Azerbaijani, Английский, Русский, турецкий
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 7 часов

This special 10 hour tour to Shirvan territory covers southern foothills of the Great Caucasus Rudge. The tours is especially designed for tourists who are interested history and nature.


İsmayilli district has been part of the historical Shirvan territory. The highest mountain in the district is Baba Dagh – 3269 metres. Famous Russian poet Lermontov visited Babadagh during his trip to Azerbaijan. İn 1837 Lermontov visited the village of Tirjan in İsmayilli District, where he met a well known ashig called Oruj. He wrote Ashig Garib using the epos he had heard from Ashig Oruj. Ismayilli is located 185 km from Baku. The district,located in the northern and central parts of Azerbaijan at the southern foothills of the Great Caucasus Rudge and in the Ganikh-Alazan Ayrichay valley,was established in 1931. Its highly developed mountain resort center is 500 meters above sea level. The area with 66,799 ha of forests is rich in clay deposits and mineral savings. Small villages are scattered over mountain slopes all along the road to Lahij. The Landscape of the valley is extremely beautiful. A narrow and curly pathway leads to the village of Gandob.Price per person is 50$


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