Tbilisi - Borjomi - Rabati Castle - Vardzia + 3 bonus place

Язык Английский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Tour will start from Tbilisi and we will enjoy 6 places.

N1 Borjomi resort city with number one famos mineral water.

N2 Green Monastery

It is a popular site of tourism and pilgrimage. The monastic church and bell-tower are inscribed on the list of the Immovable Cultural Monuments Significance of Georgia.

N3 Rabati Castle

is a fortreess in Akhaltsikhe city. Originally established in the 9th century as the Lomisa Castle, it was completely rebuilt by Ottomans.

N4 Khertvisi Fortress

one of the oldest fortresses in Georgia and was functional throughout the Georgian feudal period. The fortress was first built in the 2nd century BC. The church was built in 985, and the present walls were built in 1354. As the legend says, Khertvisi was destroyed by Alexander the Great.

N5. Vardzia the ancient Cave City of Georgia

Vardzia is a rock-carved fortress stretched over 500 meters. It is located in the historic region of Samtskhe-Javakheti and consists of 600 rooms. It can freely be called the Honor of Georgians.

N6. Saro village

Saro is located just a few kilometers from Aspindza-Vardzia road. Cobbled road goes up to this beautiful megalithic village.  You can find there megalithic building  of pre-Christian epoch, 3 -metre stone blocks, underground shelters, beautiful small church which dates back to VII-VIII centuries, old Meskhetian houses


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