North Armenia Lori Region

Язык Армянский, Английский, грузинский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

Day trip from Tbilisi to the North of Armenia. we will discover amazing nature of Lori region with mountains , debet canyon and forests , we will visit monasterys of X century Akhtala also known as Pghindzavank ( meaning Coppermine Monastery) is a 10th-century located in the town of Akhtala.

Haghpat that was founded by Queen Khosrovanuysh, wife of the Bagratid king Ashot III, probably in 976

and Sanahin monastery in Alaverdi city. These two Byzantine monasteries in the Tumanian region from the period of prosperity during the Kiurikian dynasty (10th to 13th century) were important centres of learning. Sanahin was renown for its school of illuminators and calligraphers. The two monastic complexes represent the highest flowering of Armenian religious architecture, whose unique style developed from a blending of elements of Byzantine ecclesiastical architecture and the traditional vernacular architecture of the Caucasian region.


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