3 Day : Tumpak Sewu and 2 Volcano start Malang

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 дня

If you are looking for transportation service who have plan private tour to visit Tumpaksewu, Bromo and Ijen and spen to Bali, let me arrange it for you. It is only 3 days.

Depart from Malang which is the ideal starting point city to reach your next destination.

From Singapore take flight to Surabaya international airport and drive to Malang.

Or from Yogyakarta take the Train (Malabar, Malioboro expres) go to st Malang.

The distance from Yogyakarta to Bali is very far. In order not to miss a memorable place in East Java, you can choose this program in a more economical way. It only takes 3 days.

And I offer this tour program. Tumpak sewu - Bromo - Ijen.


This program is a very tiring activity, it needs additional physical level. Wake up in the morning, Climbing, a long journey but it will all make you smile. Suitable for those who like adventure.

DEPART : Malang.

ENDS TOUR : Banyuwangi.

ROUTE : Malang, Lumajang, Probolinggo, Banyuwangi.

VISIT : Tumpak Sewu, Bromo (sunrise + crater) Ijen (blue fire+Lake of sulfur),

EXTRA : Plantation, Collour village.


1. Transport during the trip. (aircond)

2. Entance fees. (Tsewu, bromo, ijen)

3. Accomod 1N bromo + 1N ijen. (breakfast)

4. Jeep 4WD (sunrise + crater)

5. Local guide ijen. (gasmask+ light)

6. Parking fees. Toll fees.

7. Ferry ticket.


1. Max 3 person. Add person disscuss.

2. Min 10 years old.

3.Standard room. Private bathroom, hot water.

4. Drop off Surabaya add 300K..

5. Dry season Feb - Sept.

6. Price per group.


1. Jacket. (5 - 10 degrees)

2. Good sneakers.

3. Waterproof bag. (plastik for electrik)

4. Wet clothes.

5. Money cash.



At 06 - 07am the driver will pick up any hotel in Malang and driving to Tumpak sewu.

At 01pm leave Tumpak sewu waterfall and driving to Cemorolawang Bromo overnight.. Estimate arrive homestay at 06pm. (TumpakSewu - Bromo 5 hours).


At 3.30am move to the jeep go to on top for sunrise and panorama. After sunrise going down to sea sand and crater. After that, return to the hotel, have breakfast and prepare to go to Banyuwangi. Leaving Bromo at 10 am. Estimate arrive Hotel at 5 pm.

DAY 3. BANYUWANGI - IJEN END OF TOUR. (harbor, airport)

At 00.30 am check out and drive a way to Paltuding the gate of Ijen (45minute). Climb up 1h on top and climb down 30minute extra Blue fire tour. Estimate leave ijen at 8am and drop off at harbor ferry to Bali.

If you are interested in this program.

Please contact me. Repeat again to read description above to find contact.

If you want to book this tour, please double check the fees included. And price per group.

Consider and discuss first and please make a reservation.



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