Sea Tulum and Snorkeling Excursion

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 438 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 5 часов

See Tulum ruins from the sea!!!! and snorkel at the amazing coral reef barrier right there wich is part of the Mesoamerican Reef, the second largest reef barrier in the world!!!!!

Too much chances to see sea turtles, rays and all kind of colorful tropical fish as yellow tail snapper, trompet fish, butterflies fish, gruper, damisele, sargent ad so much more!

This tour includes:

*Round private transportation in a toyota hiace vehicule or similar

*Private boat ride to the reef

*Entrace fee for 5 people

*Water in the vehicule

*Guided visit

note: if your group is smaller or larger ask for a quote


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