Turkish Night with a local way

Язык Английский
Стоимость 99 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Turkish Night With A Local Way!

No touristic places - but you will see much more than that!

We will take you where 'real people' go to dine in a 'Turkish Way'. You will see and have a chance to meet local people having fun with their friends. We start the evening in a traditional 'Simit Bakery'. Simit is a bread roll, which is covered with grape molasses and sesame seeds. We take our simits and visit one of the local kıraathane'- which literally means reading rooms-but-in reality is a coffee shop with lots of men with mustaches playing cards or backgammon! After having traditional Turkish tea in a traditional tea glasses we visit another traditional place: Ocakbaşı-which is a traditional self-service barbecue restaurant where you sit by the fire and grill your kebabs, along with glass of Turkish Raki of course! We continue our gourmet journey passing, seeing and sniffing by some Turkish Restaurants. Finally, we end up in a Meyhane – a traditional Tavern where you taste 'Meze', drink 'Rakı' and listen to live Turkish Music performed by Gipsy Musicians. Well if you think that is it for the night, you are wrong! We will offer you a traditional 'İşkembe Çorbası’, which is a 'Tripe Soup'- the same way Turks complete their evening after being sated with 'Turkish Rakı'… And of course no Turkish Night is 'a complete' without tasting the 'Türk Kahvesi'-Turkish Coffee. Sounds tasty huh!


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