1 Private Tour of the Abydos and Dendera

Язык Голландский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 12 часов

1 Private Tour of the Abydos and Dendera . are two of Egypt’s most impressive temple complexes, but visiting on a group tour can mean less time to explore. This private full-day tour from Luxor is tailored to your preferences, so you can marvel at the Temple of Hathor, spend as long as you like touring the Old Kingdom, and learn more about ancient Egypt from your private Egyptologist guide.

Abydos temple

1 Private Tour Of The Abydos &Amp; Dendera

Hotel pickup and drop-off are Your tour begin with pickup from your Luxor hotel in time for an 8 am departure. Traveling in the comfort of a private vehicle, set out on the around 1.5-hour journey to Dendera. On arrival, follow your guide around the magnificent temple complex, taking in highlights such as the Temple of Hathor,

Dendera temple

Dendera Temple

the two birth houses, the Coptic Basilica, the sanitarium, and the sacred lake. With your expert guide on hand to explain the historic importance of each site and answer any questions, you’ll gain an insight into Dendera’s importance throughout the Greek, Ptolemy, and Roman periods. After lunch (own expense), continue to Abydos to discover the ancient center of the Cult of Osiris — the ‘God of the Dead’. Uncover the myths and legends of the Old Kingdom as you make your way around the Temple of Seti I, the Osireion, and the Gallery of Kings.


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