best 1 Day Trip from Luxor to Cairo by Plane

Язык Английский
Стоимость 250 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 12 часов

best 1-Day Trip from Luxor to Cairo by Plane

Day Trip from Luxor to Cairo by Plane You

gonna transferred from your hotel. Nile Cruise for a flight to Cairo to start your private Day Trip from Luxor to Cairo by Plane Upon arrival, you will meet your private tour guide who will join you to discover:

Giza Pyramids Complex

The complex includes three main pyramids, six little pyramids, the great sphinx, and the Valley Temple. The complex dates back to the 4th dynasty 2400 years B.C.

The Great Pyramid

the oldest and largest of the three pyramids of the Giza plateau and the only one to remain intact.the 7 Wonders of the Ancient World. The height of the great pyramid is 147m, the number of stones used in construction is 2,300,000 and it took twenty years to build.

The Great Sphinx

the largest statue in the world, standing 73 m. long, 19 m. wide, and 20 m in height. It is the oldest known monumental sculpture.

The Valley Temple

A Granite mortuary temple was used by Ancient Egyptians for the mummification process and this is the only remaining one at the Giza plateau.

Lunch included

The Egyptian Museum

The museum displays a rare collection of 5000 years of art. Over 250,000 genuine artifacts were presented. including an exhibit dedicated to Tutankhamen's collection of treasure, gold, and jewelry which was enclosed in the tomb for over 3,500 years.

End your tour by a shopping stop at

Khan El Khalili Bazaar

Khan El Khalili Bazaar

No visit to Cairo is complete without a stop to Khan EL Khalili bazaar. one of the most famous and oldest bazaars in the Middle East. Finally, you gonna transferred to Cairo airport for a flight to Luxor and then transfer to your hotel or Nile Cruise. Additional option If you prefer to spend more than a day trip to Egypt, we provide you our best Egypt tour packages, try to explore them. and don't miss the opportunity to choose your dream vacation.


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