Half Day - Private Tour based on your requests

Язык Английский, Японский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 4 часа

All Visitors have their own needs, desires and requests. This half-day tour is ranged from individual to family who have limited time in a day.

I had an experience to go abroad with my familes including my child and my grandmother. My grandmother was 86 years old and my child was two years old. It is very important to organize everything well in advance in order to fit their health conditions and paces. If you take this tour, I will make an itinerary based on your requests. I will be able to take you to wherever you want to go, in 23 wards of Tokyo. This will depend on your health condition and pace, I suggest you visit up to two places in a half-day.

Besides your chosen spots, I can arrange lunch in advance based on your food preferences. Please also tell me if you'd like to use, either stroller or wheel chair , for any difficulties that maybe encounter during the long-distance walk.

There are so many attractive tourist spots that you can visit in Tokyo. I am a very flexible person, so please ask me anything. I will make an itinerary after hearing your needs and requests.

I'd like to make your stay in Japan a real pleasant one. Please send me a message before booking the tour.

Thank you! Arigatou!


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