Colombo City Tour & Keleniya Historic Buddhist Temple - Day tour

Язык Английский, Японский
Стоимость 100 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 часов

In This tour I will take you around the Colombo City, some visits to an important places whenever you want to stop and get down. And then Official Capital Kotte. After take you to very old historic Buddhist temple. Keleniya Raja Maha Viharaya. There we learn about history of Buddhism in Sri Lanka and story of the temple history. A beautiful murals of the walls is another attraction to this temple.

Tour Plan;

Pick up from hotel in Colombo and then doo the city tour including Kotte city. And then Temple at Keleniya. During the tour we will stop for King coconut and any other interesting stops. We do the tour relaxingly to enjoy the most of the local experiences.

Tour includes; Professional guide service + Transportation in AC car, Suzuki specia 2018 model.

capacity = 2 people


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