Taiwan's Jiaoxi Township to open Hot Spring Night Market; perfect for winter visitors

Язык Китайский, Английский, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 654 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Jiaoxi Township is Taiwan's popular hot spring haven and is up to open a new night market in mid-December.

Jiaoxi Township is located in northeastern Taiwan's Yilan County, and when you say hot spring this place is the perfect one and will be good if ot matched with night market.

The new night market will help Jiaoxi retain tourists who would otherwise go to night markets in other townships, according to a official.

The Jiaoxi Hot Spring originates at the foot of a hill behind Fuchung Temple at Deyang Village, Jiaoxi Township.

Among them you would see the most historic "Jiaoxi Hot Spring," which is quite rare in Taiwan for its occurrence on a flatland.


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