Three days of toubkal

Язык арабский, Английский, Французский
Стоимость 100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 3 дня

Day 1: Transfer from Marrakech to Imlil

Installed at Riad tourtit.

Day 2: imlil Towards the Toubkal Refuge.

Awake early and refreshed, after breakfast we leave Marrakech in our own private transport for a 1.5 hour drive to Imlil, the starting point of our journey. Here Trek to Imlil, crossing the bottom of the valley and up the side of the valley, arriving at Sidi Chamharouch at 11'S, traditional Berber whiskey (mint tea). Refreshed, we continue along a new hanging valley and after a few hours take our first glimpse of our target, the Mountain Refuge Neltner at (3207m). This is our “base camp” for the night. About 5 hours of walking

DAY 3: Trek to the summit of Jebel Toubkal and return to Imlil.

Peak day! We have an early breakfast and set off on our “Summit Day” Jebel Toubkal (4,167m). It's not easy to start, you have to climb the steep side of the main valley, but pleasantly and easily taking the ground levels over a bit, and we continue our gradual ascent. After about four hours we get there! What a feeling, and a magnificent view!! After due celebrations, photos and a well deserved rest and picnic, we return to base camp and then descend through the Sidi Chamharouch sanctuary into the Imlil Valley. Overnight at the Berber village guest house. About 8 to 9 hours of walking


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