Let's explore the outskirts of Mandalay City with your private guide

Язык бирманский, Английский
Стоимость 500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

If you would to explore outskirt of Mandalay city by boat, it is one of the best tours which you should try when you are in Mandalay. You have to across the Ayeyarwaddy River by boat and then visit around Mingun village on foot or by ox-cart.

Mingun village is famous for its the world largest ringing bell (the world third largest bell) and unfinished pagoda (Pathodawgyi Pagoda) and stunning white pagoda (Myatheindan Zedi). If you arrive there, you will feel the very local and village life. I could surely say that you will have a wonderful time if you will join me on this tour


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