Day trip Atlas mounain from marrakech

Язык Английский
Стоимость 70 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 7 часов

Excursion to the imlil valley

Overview Get a taste of life in the Atlas Mountains on this full-day trip from Marrakech to the Imlil Valley. Visit the highest peak of Mount Toubkal, Africa, and start your trek from the small town of Imlil. Hike through remote Berber villages and take in picturesque views of the Mizane Valley before stopping for a delicious lunch at a traditional mountain guest house, or cottage, to end the tour. Take a full day trip from Marrakech to the villages of the Atlas Mountains Visit Mount Toubkal and hike through the Berber mountain villages Enjoy a delicious lunch at the guest house and admire the views of the Mizane Valley Receive free transportation from round trip from your hotel in Marrakech Services included

Certified private guide in English, French, Spanish or i; Private certified driver and air-conditioned transportation; Hike in the Imlil region; Lunch in mazik Pick up and return to the hotel in Marrakech. Tips and souvenirs; All additional food and drinks are not listed


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