Hot Air Balloon Ride in Luxor, Egypt

Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 часа


Your Tour guide will be waiting you. They will be holding a sign of yours name, You do not need to look for them - they will be waiting for you and will find you.

Early morning, Ramasside Tours representative will pick you up from your hotel in Luxor to the West Bank to enjoy air balloon riding. Transfer to marine enjoy Soft drinks before you take the motor boat to the west bank , then you will be transferred to the take off area where you are going to start your balloon ride in the sky of the biggest open-air museum (Luxor).

The "Balloon Ride" trip departs everyday, however confirmation in advance is still highly recommended.

The balloon ride takes 45 minutes, before your land again, to catch your pick-up and return to your hotel.


Pick up Service from your hotel & return

Transfer by air conditioned bus

Motor boat to transfer to the West Bank

45 minutes ride in Hot Air Balloon, in the sky of Luxor

Flight certificate

All service charges and taxes


Any extras not mentioned in the program



The Balloon is scheduled to take off at 5:30 a.m. and the ride takes 45 minutes Departure time may vary depending on sun rise time The hotel pick-up takes place 45 minutes before take-off scheduled time

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