MotionGate Park Dubai

Язык Английский
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

MotionGate is a park, a unique theme park dedicated to Hollywood. Here you can meet live with all the heroes familiar from childhood, we plunge into the fantastic world of blockbusters and cartoons familiar from childhood.

our task is to buy tickets for you, at a great price, we will pick you up from the hotel by bus, and take you back to the hotel

travel destinations in moshengate dubai park

Transfer to MotionGate park. our bus will pick you up from your hotel and take you to the park quickly.

You will receive entrance tickets and then walk around the park on your own and enjoy all kinds of entertainment based on your favorite cartoons and films. At the end of the day, the driver will bring you back to your hotel.

what can you see in the park

Attractions for every taste - from the Hunger Games to Madagascar. Here you can visit the hotel from "Monsters on Vacation" and see the houses of the Smurfs. maybe Ride the rollercoasters with the heroes of Madagascar or Shrek and learn the basics of kung fu with a panda.

Movie buffs will catch ghosts under the guidance of Ghostbusters, get into the universe of The Hunger Games, and take a ride on the free fall tower in the scenery of Zombieland.

Organizational details

This is a transfer without a guide, you will be accompanied by a professional driver.

The park is recommended for children from 5 years old.

Surcharge for transfer from remote hotels + $20 per person


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