Ferrari World Park

Язык Английский
Стоимость 80 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Ferrari Park is the most famous theme park in the Middle East. a building with a Special design where you can feel like a racer on numerous simulators, accelerate to 240 km / h in 5 seconds on the Formula Ross slide. here Ride the dizzying rollercoasters and admire the Italian cars in the museum. in the Ferrari Park you can watch the assembly of cars and get acquainted exclusively with modern and retro Ferrari models

what is included in the ticket price for ferrari world park ferrari world

Entry ticket to the Ferrari World Car Museum and Gallery 20 themed rides

lunch at one of the water park restaurants

How to book a ticket to the Ferrari Park?

make a reservation on the site and within 18 hours after booking we will send you a ticket.

On the appointed day, arrive at the turnstile of the Ferrari park and show your ticket on the smartphone screen

at the restaurant indicated on the ticket, show the QR code of the ticket and get a free lunch

The park is open daily from 11:00 to 20:00

Important information

At the entrance to the park, all cats 15 years of age and older must have a COVID19 vaccination certificate and a negative PCR test result taken no earlier than 28 days before entering the park.

The Warner Brothers theme park is located in Abu Dhabi, on Yas Island.

You can get to the park for free by the Yas-express bus or by the city bus number 190.

Children under 11 must be accompanied by an adult

for children under 3 years old admission is free

Some attractions have height restrictions and are suitable for children over 1.30 meters

Organizational details

Surcharge for transfer from remote hotels + $20 per person


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