David Di Giacomo - местный частный тур гид в стране Италия


Hi Everyone!

My name is David, born and bred in Tuscany, and currently living in Pisa.

I was a travel agent and tour leader in the past, and as of 2008 I have been an official, fully-licensed and insured tour guide for Pisa.

Love of art, culture and the history of my city have been the driving force for my new career.

I enjoy showing visitors the historical and artistic beauties of Pisa along with its daily life, characters and gastronomic traditions.

My activity as a tour guide mainly focuses on walking tours which I find to be the perfect way to get a feel for the city, its people and traditions.

My services include quality group walking tours at an affordable price and private tours for those who prefer a more customized service.

Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information; I would be happy to help you make the most of your visit to Pisa.

See you in Tuscany!

David - Pisa Explorer

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