chiangmai tourguides - местный частный тур гид в стране Таиланд

Chiang Mai Private Tour Guide/Business Interpreter/Translator/Personal Assistant

When you come to Chiang Mai, Thailand especially to attend a Trade Fair, Exhibition, or to visit your supplier, factories, manufacturers, you might need some assistance to break down the language barrier between you and the people you are doing business with for optimum result with no hassle.

I am not only your interpreter, but also can be your business assistant, secretary, private local tour guide, personal shopping assistant, Thai tutor and Thai cultural teacher who can fulfill your business need and beyond the capability of a person who only spoke one language.

Northern Thai dialect is widely used in Chiang Mai and in the North of Thailand. Making a connection in this region, it is smarter to communicate locals with the same language. As the result, it shows a reputation for integrity. Therefore, I can provide you not only formal Thai language, but also the Northern Thai dialect.

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