Sergio Grom - местный частный тур гид в стране Италия


I love my city, Rome and I like to show it to my guests and share with them not only the usual and customary highlights, but also the hidden and somehow “private” gems of the life of the Romans. That’s why, as a profession, I choosed to become a Professional and Licenced Tour Guide. And that is also why, in addition to the usual areas that of course can’t be missed, I like to take my guests to the local pictoresque area, such as hidden squares or fruit and vegetable markets and to the still resisting inexpensive family owned Trattorias. Explore my offer of different tours: from the very relaxing ones to the cultural ones.

You can find me on Tripadvisor as Rome with the Romans or you can read guests evaluations on Toursbylocals where I’m listed as Sergio G.

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