Marcelo Tesserolli - местный частный тур гид в стране Бразилия

Oficial certified tour guide, Specialist in Tourism and Hospitality Marcelo also has a Master degree in Business Developing Management and works aa professor at universities in Rio. Speaks fluent English, Spanish and has traveled around Brazil, South America, United States, Africa and Europe having the opportunity to learn, understand and respect other’s countries cultures.

All of this practical and theorical background toghether with a great knowledgement about the best places in the city have given Marcelo the great skills to host you around The Marvellous City!

"My differential is to provide private and exclusive services for individuals and small VIP groups, including transportation, hotels, good food, tickets and fun."

Языки Английский, португальский, Испанский
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR), Бразильский реал (BRL)

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