Amith De Silva - местный частный тур гид в стране Шри-Ланка

Ayu-bo-wan!!! Which means may you live long and it is our traditional way to welcome anyone to Sri Lanka, our home and when meeting you for the first time. I'm Amith De Silva and I work as a National Freelance Tourist Guide. I am also listed on TripAdvisor under Sri Lanka for many years. I completed a diploma in tourism & guiding under the Sri-Lankan Tourism Board and I have qualified and hold a license as a national guide. I specialize in the handling of group tours and have extensive knowledge of archaeological sites, history, culture, flora & fauna, bird watching, camping, cycling, trekking, climbing and so on. I can also arrange your transport in Sri-Lanka (cars/vans/coaches) and hotel bookings (according to star rating or style of accommodation: boutique/villas/bungalow/guest houses) with access to special and negotiated rates.

Are you looking for a guide who knows the country by heart, who is honest, flexible, responsible, a good driver, dynamic and smart? Then please contact me so I can show you my country in the best way possible! As soon as you land in Sri-Lanka, you will be in safe hands and you will be looked after by a professional, friendly, smiling and caring guide.

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