Oner Erguven - местный частный тур гид в стране Турция

Hi, I am Öner. I'm a licensed professional guide in Turkey. I guide geography where many different religions, ethnic groups, and cultures are born and live together. I was born in northern Mesopotamia. Mesopotamia is where settled life and the domestication of animals and plants started for the first time. The first organized religions, the first temple (Göbeklitepe), the first villages, the first cities were established here and spread from here. The first major change that created our civilization started exactly in Mesopotamia.

On the other hand, I completed my university education in the Aegean region, where the ancient Greek and Roman culture left the most beautiful ruins. And now I live in Istanbul, one of the largest and historical metropolises in the world. I will try to explain as much as possible this unique, which functions as a bridge between east and west with its geographical location, and its cultural, architectural, archaeological, ethnographic, artistic, folkloric, and philosophical background. I hope to meet on tours where we will have fun and learn a lot in a way that respects the environment, all beliefs and ideas, far from sexist and speciesist narrow thoughts.

I also can organise transportation, hotels, restaurans for individual travellers or groups

Языки Английский, курдский, персидский, турецкий
Валюты Доллар США (USD), Евро (EUR)

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