Biryomumaisho Mugisha - местный частный тур гид в странах Кения, Уганда, Руанда

Having worked extensively in environmental conservation and interacted with conservation tourists from across the world, i felt that guiding would play a vital role in this process of bringing satisfaction to tourists visiting east African region (state: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania and Rwanda). The opportunity of direct interaction with the tourists makes me more responsible for projecting the correct image of the region, giving factually correct information about the destinations, ensuring the safety and well being of the tourists as well as pleasing and satisfying the stay for them during their visits. I have many years experience and knowledge concerning the east African countries and their cultures that I have gathered over my years working as a field tour guide since (2010).

I am a good communicator, able to put people at ease in case of danger or fearful situations should they arise

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