Туры в Грузию - местный частный тур гид в стране Грузия

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Экскурсии (2)

Отзывы Туристов (1)

Andrew Samp
18 ДЕК 2019
SergoThank you for Georgia, it’s now in my heart, and it warms me, even physically, even for thousands of kilometers in rainy London.
For me, the main value of the country is that those who live in it, people who get up in the morning, go to work, do their daily business. People are a living story, a real one, which is happening here and now.
I spent a week in ancient Tbilisi, in his heart.
But of course the main character of my story is Sergey). A man who can do everything, or almost everything. I repaired my netbook, and organized a real adventure for me. And Sergey, a wonderful storyteller, from his stories I will probably write a book.
Georgia is very warm, albeit a bit harsh country and the people there are such that you want to return just to sit and talk about everything)
And thanks to the super-Sergey, I have cool pictures)))
Thank you very much Sergey is very professional guide.
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