Claude Edmond - местный частный тур гид в стране Кения

With over 8 years ago experience in taking clients on safaris Claude Edmond plays a major part in coordinating tours at Claudious Tours and Safaris. His attention to details and his friendly approach bring to Claudious Tours numerous repeat clients, most of whom come back with friends to sample the unique adventures that are offered by our firm. Claude Edmond has a hands-on knowledge of the places our esteemed clients visit (having been a tour guide for several years). This advantage ensures that the travelers booking their trips with Claudious Tours and Safaris receive full satisfaction and experience the best of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania safari adventures.

Claude himself says, “I am passionate about sharing my hometown with visitors. I work primarily in Nairobi and Tanzania but I also travel throughout East Africa. I believe that the best sites in East Africa which includes Masai Mara National Park, Lake Nakuru National Park which is the home of millions of Flamingos, Samburu National Park and Serengeti National Park in Tanzania. I love to share the history and culture of my country.”

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