Abraham Sabido Marchena - местный частный тур гид в стране Испания

First of all I would like to introduce myself, my name is Abraham. I have been working as a guide in different ways for more than 6 years.I have worked with small groups, customized private tours, done several routes in Seville and as well day trips around Andalucia. I studied environmental science bachelor degree in Universidad de Sevilla where I grew up. I spent a lot of my free time doing bird watching and trekking in the countryside. Another of my passions are flamenco and art, I perform singing and clapping in some local places.Beside that I am an official guide, acreditacion issued by government of Spain.

After a lot of working for several companies I realized that I can organize and perform much better by myself than working for someone else. That's why I became self-employed. I have many great experiences in my pocket that I would like to share with visitors, always from the perspective of quality,cultural immersion, great domain of local places and attractions , flexibility with the clients and good sense of humor, summing up give a great and unforgettable experience.

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