Tatiana Kuzmenok - местный частный тур гид в стране Беларусь

My name is Tatiana. I live in Minsk and I love this city. Also, I adore sightseeing.

If you are planning to come to Belarus, I will be delighted to show you the best of my beautiful country, including historical and cultural sights, artistic and architectural landnmarks, beautiful views and other tourist favourites. I would like to make your trip as trouble-free and memorable as possible.

I’m an experienced driver and my offer is to pick you up from the airport and take you to your hotel or apartment and vice versa. My car is comfortable and safe. In addition, I offer a range of different tours and destinations, but you can always customize your journey according to your wishes. It goes without saying, I can also help you to book and recommend apartments or hotels, according to your tastes and preferences.

Языки Belarusian, Английский, Польский, Русский

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