Ajla Sahic - местный частный тур гид в стране Босния и Герцеговина

My name is Ajla and I am a graduate student at the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Sarajevo, at History Department. During my time at school and college, I developed interest in travelling and sightseeing. Therefore, as a student, I decided to start working as a local tourguide and combine my love for history with my passion for travelling and love for other people.

During the last year, I have also started to actively engage in self-development and self-growth, which requires active reading and researching in English. I’m the administrator of the self-development and self-improvement website, where I actively publish articles related to productivity, success, self-development and healthy relationships. With this in mind, I sincerely hope we will discuss many interesting topics and together make this world a better place.

If you decide to hire me as your local tour guide, regarding your interests, I’ll make a special offer just for you. Hit me up!

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