Oun Lis - местный частный тур гид в стране Камбоджа

Jomreab Sue (Hello), I am Oun. I am an official tour guide and freelance photographer. I have been working as a tour guide since 2017 and I have had a lot of experiences hosting the tour and tourists.

I am originally from Siem Reap. I graduated from the University of South-East Asia in Teaching English as a Second Language in 2018 and the meantime, I also finished a Tourist Guide Training Program from the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia.

Previously, I was a preschool and young adult teacher. I have been working as a teacher for many years.

My routine hobby, I like fishing, cooking, photography, and adventure to new places.

I am passionate about history, photography, and adventure. I like helping people around me. I live in Siem Reap so there are many places where I can take people around.

Look forward to seeing you in Siem Reap!!

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