Eva Sepulveda Castillo - местный частный тур гид в стране Испания

Hello everyone! I'm your local guide in Valencia, Spain and I'll take you on a tour of this vibrant and dynamic city, known for its stunning architecture, delicious cuisine and rich culture.

Discover Valencia's iconic City of Arts and Sciences, the beautiful Central Market with its local flavors, the charming Gothic Quarter, and the peaceful Albufera Natural Park. Indulge in the taste of Valencia's signature dish, Paella, while taking in the scenic beauty of the park.

Experience the excitement of Las Fallas Festival, held every March, featuring fireworks, music, and traditional costumes. Whether you're a history lover, food enthusiast, or just looking for a sunny Mediterranean getaway, Valencia has something for you.

Let me share my passion for this amazing city with you and optimize your Valencia experience. Contact me today to start exploring Valencia, Spain!

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