Hike Morro / Gamboa

Sprache Englisch, Portugiesisch, Spanisch
Kosten 80 BRL für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe größer als 10 Personen
Dauer 5 Stunden

Hike Morro/Gamboa

Enjoy nature and its gifts. Morro/Gamboa hike offers a mix of mountains, beaches, waterfalls, mud baths and baths at the sea, getting to know Morro de Sao Paulo corners and enjoying Gamboa fishing culture.

Our guide will pick you up at your hotel to start the circuit either on the morning (am) or on the afternoon (pm). The circuit is as follows:

We will take the road that goes by Fuente Grande and continue through different Morro’s neighborhoods getting to the road that leads to the "Fonte do Céu" waterfall. Before leaving Morro’s last houses we will be able to appreciate beautiful views of the continent, appreciating the calm waters on that side of the island.

Once out of Morro we will reach part of the APA (area of environmental protection of the Tinharé and Boipeba islands) which houses species native to the place. We will walk up to the Fonte Do Céu where we’ll take a revitalizing fresh water bath and we’ll spend some time listening to the water and looking at the place’s biodiversity.

When we’ll got our strength back we’ll continue along the road to Gamboa’s northern region, where we’ll found some rest bars, inns and houses. Here we will be able to eat or drink something, for those who want to, and then we’ll head towards mud beach. This mud is well known for its beneficial properties for the skin. Here we’ll have a mud bath and we’ll also bathe in the calm sea.

After that, we will continue on the same beach to a pier known as Madagascar, former Yacht Club. In this road we’ll get to know "gamboas" fishing system typical of this area, which gives it the name. After going by Madagascar we’ll reach Porto de Cima beach where we will continue until reaching Morro de Sao Paulo entry.

Our guide will leave you at the hotel or wherever you wish.

We can only walk along the beach road when there’s low tide, so the circuit might be done in the opposite direction depending on this.

Price with a minimum of 4 pax on tour. Consult by less persons private tours.


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