Sibenik and Krka waterfalls private tour w. transfer

Sprache Englisch, Deutsch, kroatisch
Kosten 660 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 4 Personen
Dauer 6 Stunden

Visit of Sibenik, a medieval city founded on the mouth of river Krka. A city famous for its UNESCO listed medieval cathedral. By walking through the narrow medieval streets of Sibenik old town, you will arrive to the Cathedral, to see the famous apses and the amazing stone work of two most important medieval masters and sculptors from 15th century in Dalmatia: Juraj Dalmatinac (also called Georgius Dalmaticus), and Nikola Firentinac (Niccolo da Fiorentino). Enjoy the stone carvings of the Sibenik Cathedral of St. Jacob. Listen to the whispers of stonemasons, who spent their entire lives struggling to finish this amazing work of art. Feel the soul of this town, like no other town on Mediterranean has.

Spend a afternoon in Krka National Park, walking in the woods along the river with a dozens waterfalls. Witness the natural karst phenomenon, breathe clean forest air and relax with harmonious sound of water. Visit the old traditional watermill and learn about traditional way of life in this area.


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