Rila monastery and Boyana church

Sprache Englisch
Kosten 40 EUR für die exkursion
Anzahl der Teilnehmer Gruppe bis zu 10 Personen
Dauer 8 Stunden

Visiting the Rila moinastery is perhaps the most popular daily tour from Sofia. It is not without a reason - the monasetry is grand by its size, location, frescoes and athmosphere. We have combined it with another UNESCO site - the famous Boyana church, popular as an excellent example of Medieval and prerennaisance art.

I will pick you up from any location in Sofia and after 2 hrs drive will be at the Rila monastery. Sightseeing of it takes about one and a half hours on average, including a visit into one of its museums.

The tour INCLUDES:

- tour guide /driver services,

- usage of a modern, airconditioned vehicle,

- fuel,

- parking costs


The tour does NOT include:

- entrance fees

- meals

- expenditures of personal character


1 person - 110 EUR

2 or 3 persons - 130 EUR

4-6 persons - 160 EUR


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